Protecting our environment

There are so many ways that we can help to protect and improve our environment. We can all change some aspect of our lives to make our town cleaner and more beautiful. These are some of the things that we do at Rooted In Bolton to reduce our carbon footprint, and make use of items that would otherwise go to landfill
Photos of landfill site from Bolton News

The Three R's
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce - Just don't buy so much! Think before you buy - we've all gone to the shop for 1 item and come back with 3 bags full! Reduced items are only a bargain if you actually need them and will use them. Stopping impulse buying saves money and waste. At Rooted in Bolton, nothing new is bought until we've considered whether it's really needed, whether we already have something that will do the same job, then looked to see if it can be bought second hand, or even better, found on a giveaway site such as the free groups on Facebook.
Reuse - Is it useful for something else, or for another person? Ever heard the saying, "one man's trash is another man's treasure"? Before you throw anything away, consider whether it would be good for a charity shop or a local community group, or whether it can be used as something totally different.
Recycle - Avoid adding to landfill Keep the grey bin as empty as possible and put glass, plastic, paper and kitchen waste in the correct bin. Electrical items, batteries etc must be taken to the tip or other recycling point, they are highly toxic to the environment.

This Website is owned by Rooted in Bolton CIC
Website development aided by funding from Proper Good, Bolton